
DD Green– A new program of Dunkin’ Donuts has been launched, which aims in building sustainable energy-efficient restaurants of Dunkin’ Donuts. The outlet of the company located in Long Beach, California is the first restaurant, which is associated with DD Green. And, by the end of 2016, the company is looking to make the 100 restaurants under this program.

What is DD Green?

Basically, DD Green is a hot trend in a green building certification program that offers a base for the franchise of the Dunkin’ Donuts to design the outlets that are more energy and water-efficient, healthier and reduce landfill waste. This program is only for the Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants because they know how to create the requirements that fulfil the energy and water reduction, health and the environment in a distinct way.

The restaurants, which are associated with DD Green program have some key elements that will be visible to the customers, such as LED light fixtures, regionally friendly landscaping and low flow performances plumbing fixtures. Apart from all these, the company will add more eco-friendly elements from time to time and also update existing features with ongoing checking to ensure that the DD Green restaurants still maintain their level.

How will you identify the restaurants with DD Green certified?


Yes, this one is the main point that how you will recognize your DD Green store. If a restaurant achieves DD Green standards, then they will exhibit in-store sign stating “Achievement in Energy Reduction and Sustainable Design”. The restaurants can achieve two different levels: DD Green and DD Green Elite (which stores reach beyond requirements and additional achievement goals).